Tuesday, April 6, 2010

In-Line Refractometers

In-Line Refractometers
In-Line refractometers are designed to monitor and control the concentration of dissolved solids or water soluble liquids in your process lines. These instruments can be incorporated in piping of manufacturing plants, liquid mixing devices, and washing apparatuses to continuously measure the concentration of various liquids. In-Line refractometers are suitable for use in the control of mixing, concentration, fermentation, and control of the concentration of water-based or alkali-based detergent, etc.

The light from an LED source is transmitted by a fiber optic onto one side of a measuring prism and internally reflected to the interface of the prism and the sample liquid. A portion of this light beam is reflected back onto the opposite side of the prism at an angle which depends on the refractive index of the liquid at the interface. The position of this reflected beam, as it exits the prism, changes with the angle of reflection (which depends on the refractive index of the sample). A linear diode array is used to accurately detect the varying position of the reflected beam, and this position is calibrated with respect to refractive index. As there are no moving parts with in-line refractometers, only precise optical and electronic elements, the calibration is very stable, repeatable and accurate.

To connect the in-line refractometer to your system you simply attach the unit to a piping system to monitor food or beverage production, pharmaceutical production, industrial fluid, washing devices, dilution/mixing devices, etc. The in-line refractometer will continuously monitor water content and mixing ratio with successive measurements of refractive index, Brix, or concentration.

The ATAGO Model PRM-100α In-Line Refractometer is just such an instrument. It can provide the following:

• Wide range 0.0 to 100.00% Brix range
• Improved measurement accuracy: Brix ±0.05%, nD ±0.00010
• Two options for setting the minimum indication decimal place
• Simple two-piece construction: detection section and operation display section
• Easy-to-read color display panel.

Author Name: Rowland Brasch: Nationalmicroscope.com
In-Line RefractometersSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Antifreeze Refractometers

Antifreeze Refractometers
Low temperatures leading to freezing conditions can, if not managed correctly, often result in serious damage to plant and equipment, chillers and engine cooling systems. System blockages, cracked pipes and unwanted fluid loss can be expensive both in terms of operational down-time and ultimate repair or replacement costs. It is therefore essential that systems are properly protected and antifreeze levels are periodically tested. Testing of antifreeze concentrations for automotive and industrial applications has been made easier by the use of antifreeze refractometers.

The antifreeze/battery refractometer is designed for testing the refractive index or concentration of battery fluids, antifreeze liquid and cleaning fluids that works on the critical angle principle. Antifreeze refractometers utilize lenses and prisms to project a shadow line onto a small glass reticule inside the instrument, which is then viewed by the user through a magnifying eyepiece.

In use, a sample is sandwiched between a measuring prism and a daylight plate. The reading is taken when a shadow line crosses the scale from the shadow line formed between the illuminated area and the dark area then a shadow line crosses the scale. With the indication of the percentage you may know which temperature the fluid will be frozen for both propylene glycol and ethylene glycol. It can also be used for checking the strength of electrolyte solution batteries.

Refractometers represent the most accurate conventional testing method available for determining freeze point and concentration of engine coolants and antifreeze solutions. Don't be misled by hydrometers or freeze-point test strips, which are not accurate enough to be useful.

One of the best instruments to test these solutions is the ATAGO Antifreeze Refractometer model Master BCF. This refractometer has an exclusive scale for measuring specific gravity of battery fluid and for checking the freezing temperature of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol which are used as antifreeze mixture in automobiles, thermal catalyst for solar power systems and other industrial applications. The Master BCF is easy to use and accurate for testing in the field

Author Name: Rowland Brasch : Nationalmicroscope.com
Antifreeze RefractometersSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend