Friday, October 22, 2010

Microscope Maintenance

Microscope Maintenance
Customers often ask what they can do when they have problems with lubrication and focusing problems with their microscopes. Here are a few questions along with our suggestions:
Question: What product should I use to lubricate the bearings on the stage of the microscope?
Answer: Each manufacture has their own line of lubricants they recommend. If you bought everyone for each product it would be extremely expensive. We use a product called Super Lube made by Permatex. It should be available from many stores in your area. We use this product on all brands of microscopes that we service.
Question: My stage seems to slip down out of focus for no reason. What can I do to prevent this?
Answer: There are two main reasons for this problem. Either the tension control is too loose, or the main bearing system in the stage mechanics needs some adjustments.
You, as the microscope user, can adjust the tension control. Many microscopes have focus tension controls attached next to the coarse focus control. This control may be the simple type that you can adjust by just using your hand, or it may take a special tool. On Olympus or Nikon microscopes the adjustment is usually on the right side of the scope as the stage faces the user. It is a thin control knob or disc that is placed between the microscope stand and the coarse focus control. All you have to do is turn this device one way or the other and it will increase or decrease the tension on the coarse focus control knob. This in turn will keep the stage from slipping down. Make sure you are not turning the stage lock control, which is normally on the opposite side of the tension controller. If your microscope takes a special tool to adjust the tension. and you have lost this tool, you will need to contact the microscope manufacture or the company you purchased your microscope from and request the adjustment tool.
If the main bearing system needs adjustment you will should contact a qualified microscope repair technician to do this repair.
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